Score: 4.46 Votes: 24
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Very hot babe

Starter: z1 Posted: 15 years ago Views: 15.8K
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Lvl 26
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Lvl 24
I am awestruck an' breathless...this is the first woman I've ever seen that appears incapable of taking a bad matter how she is posed, she looks both beautiful and HOT...She gorgeous from head to toes...expecially her eyes and smile...but everything is photogenic, from every angle.
If it were possible to score this higher than five stars, I'd be doing it! This is a masterpiece. I plan to download every pic to my folder of wallpaper babes... This impeccable beauty rises above the rest by a goodly measure...she deserves some sort of award.
Lvl 26
Originally posted by snoopy7666

I am awestruck an' breathless...this is the first woman I've ever seen that appears incapable of taking a bad matter how she is posed, she looks both beautiful and HOT...She gorgeous from head to toes...expecially her eyes and smile...but everything is photogenic, from every angle.
If it were possible to score this higher than five stars, I'd be doing it! This is a masterpiece. I plan to download every pic to my folder of wallpaper babes... This impeccable beauty rises above the rest by a goodly measure...she deserves some sort of award.

Lvl 26
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