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Undecided about this blonde

Starter: caporegime5 Posted: 14 years ago Views: 11.2K
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Lvl 8
She's good looking in the right light...what do you think?
Lvl 8
Lvl 8
Lvl 8
Lvl 21
well, im game
Lvl 15
I see what you mean. More like a hottie wannabe. If that's the case she's gonna have to work harder on it. I can see her becoming a big gurl in a couple of years. (ohnoes)
Lvl 17
I think she's gorgeous.
Lvl 27
Hot Babe,Very Nice
Lvl 15
Don't get me wrong. In this pic she is hot.

But in this one not so much. A little too thick.

Lvl 5
Wow. I have never met anyone so fussy and picky. She is beautiful. Get real!
Lvl 5
Her ass is nonexistent.
Lvl 26
I like her boobs.
Lvl 2
Undecided... like you are not sure you want her to bear your kids ? Or undecided, like you are not sure you would take her home to Mom ? Either way she does not look bad at all. If you can stand what she looks like in the morning, with no makeup, after having a late night of booze and sex then keep her.
Lvl 6
I've already decided, I'd do her anytime......
Lvl 6
she is hot
I think she's gorgeous.
Lvl 22
Originally posted by Capo
She's good looking in the right light...what do you think?

No Light?

Except for the jaw line I say...Yes I would say Gorgeous

5 *****
Lvl 14
Lvl 4
To fulfill a few girl-on-girl fantasies with my wife? She'd do fine.

Do I want to see her every day? No...unless she has an outstanding personality.

Or takes it up the butt.
Lvl 15
she's hot, F them.
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