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The view from the South - end!!

Starter: whizipbang Posted: 16 years ago Views: 2.0K
Lvl 20
come in and sit awhile..
Lvl 20
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Lvl 20
Lvl 16
Another one added to the watchlist! Good start, please, continue.
Lvl 20
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Lvl 20
Lvl 27
a lot of the pictures that you have attached are pro. if you want to post pro or tagged pictures, you need to upload them to a picture hosting server is a good one to use. don't be surprised if the posts with the pro pics attached get deleted.
Lvl 27
Punly is correct, DO NOT upload stamped pro pics to WBW servers, hotlink them.

How to hotlink

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Lvl 28
Good work Demo.. em whos boss round naw.