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The strawberries are coming...

Starter: ohyea Posted: 17 years ago Views: 8.4K
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Lvl 8

First post here...hopefully I've done everything correctly. Enjoy, and let me know what you think!
Lvl 15
Good job. Keep going.
Lvl 8
I forget that I named the post for this second set of this girl, and I didn't upload here you go.

(also, be sure to show me your I have more!)

Lvl 7
Lvl 8
Lets hope she didnt put the strawberry back in the fridge for her little brother to eat...I actually know of someone who did this
Lvl 7
I'd love to eat her strawberry!!!
Lvl 10
Very cute babe.
Lvl 8
Glad you are all enjoying so far!

Here are three more, for now.

I have another set of 15 that I can upload if you all want.

Lvl 7
mmm delicious even without the strawberry
Lvl 8
Feel free to go ahead.
Lvl 10
Yeah, would like to see more of her ass.
Lvl 13
makes me wanna go buy some strawberries now! great share!
Lvl 2
the strawberries aren't the only thing cumming **fap fap fap**
Lvl 8
Ah, gotta love bad jokes.

Here are the rest!

Lvl 8
Lvl 8
Lvl 8
I guess the gratuitous pussy/vibe shots weren't as interesting as the others? hah
Lvl 8
More Close ups of the strawberries.
Lvl 10
Yep ... Love thoes strawberries, for obvious reasons..
Lvl 8
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