Score: 4.85 Votes: 336
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the ***Perfect*** amateur girls - 3 updates per day!

Starter: alex555 Posted: 16 years ago Views: 345.0K
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Lvl 10
and shot of beauty for this morning:

Lvl 10
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Lvl 80
After 152 votes, this thread has a 4.77 rating. That means there are between 9 and 35 idiots that didn't rate this outstanding thread a 5.
Lvl 10
Originally posted by hiproof

After 152 votes, this thread has a 4.77 rating. That means there are between 9 and 35 idiots that didn't rate this outstanding thread a 5.

yep, thats exactly what i had in mind.

Lvl 10

I should just start another thread , just for the 5 stars :P
Lvl 10
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Lvl 17
This is such a great thread....
Lvl 10
Originally posted by NorthernBoy

This is such a great thread....

very appriciated

heres more chicks

Lvl 10
Lvl 13
top notch buddy
Lvl 13
nice! thx Man
Lvl 10
Lvl 10
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