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strange pics

Starter: Duderino Posted: 20 years ago Views: 16.3K
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Lvl 15
Dude posted puking pix? JESUS CHRIST!!!

I can't honestly say I'm surprised. Last fall, he won the nausea threshold test for posts hands down. He was downloading all kinds of phenomenally sick shit.
Lvl 17
Here ya go Hoody:
Lvl 21
Thats ... diffrent, but ok
Lvl 12
Lvl 13
that last pic is cool
Lvl 14
the first chick.. what is her name? Where can I find more pics of her?
Lvl 18
i expected pics like that from a german but not from an american (probably german desent)
(germany is just known for weird porn)
(BTW I'm german and did not like those pics)
Lvl 11
hey, we all got different fetishes :>
Lvl 18
that certainly is a news flash thanks
Lvl 11
I have a fetish.
Lvl 21
I have a fetish for invaded rectum.
Lvl 18
whats yours invaded_rectum
Lvl 11
little chalk on the bark
Lvl 15
Lvl 15
Lvl 15
Oops, need the "before" pic.

Lvl 16
ok, ill be gone until sunday.
please behave!
Lvl 15
Yes Sir! Nothing out of the ordinary going on here, Sir.

Lvl 12
Ahhh Yes..Remember this pic from a military survival manual. When all else fails in a survial situation regarding finding food, the indiginous population can always be utilized.
Lvl 15
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