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Something About That Natural Hairy Look

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 13 years ago Views: 12.6K
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Lvl 24
To each his own, I always say...
My preference is as plain as day.
'Don't want no squabble
'Don't want no fight...
In th' end, what you like is what's right.
I just like roads that are paved...
An' I like women that are shaved...

Merry Christmas to ALL, an' to all I say: "Fight th' good fight - 'Go not silently into th' night."

Lvl 6
Could make a rug from all the hair.
Lvl 4
I rarely comment on things, but this the best yet! I love ALL the fur.......anywhere it wants to grow!!! ALL natural is best!! More please???
Lvl 15
A recent programme on British television (called embarrassing bodies, or it may have been teen sex, I can't remember which dealt with this
subject, was it better to shave or go unshaven down below? The Female Doctor's view was that it was unnecessary to shave as
it did nothing for hygiene, and not shaving meant you would have less problems with wounds (scratches or razor burns) that go septic.
English surgeons no longer insist on women being shaved for Gynaecological surgery.
However if you want your girl to look like a prepubescent virgin....... all's fair in love and sex.
Lvl 6
Please shave!!!
Asians, I think, should have a fuzzy bush. That straight dark hair looks as good below as it does above the waist.

* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
Lvl 3
Originally posted by TheBigSwede

Please shave!!!

Pretty pretty please... Read my signature.....
I agree about the excessive pubies and underarm fuzz. It just fits the theme of the thread. I prefer a trimmed rather than a completely natural look. Once exception? Asians.
Lvl 8
If a woman doesn't want to shave, that's her choice. Just as it is my choice not to put my face into a mass of hair. Quid pro quo.
Lvl 27
more.... more.... more....
* This post has been modified by Punnani : 13 years ago
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