That is most definitely my ex Abby lol... The breakup was the messiest I've ever had in my life (I'm only 25, but still...). Anyways, after all the crap she put me through I can honestly say her ONLY redeeming quality is her sluttiness (which isn't a bad one to have I guess). These pics popping up everywhere greatly amuse me (I didn't take these, just in case her family or friends STILL want to kill me because I called her a slut lol).
I will try and post a pic of us from Valentine's day to prove I'm not full of BS, and yes, I have about 250 megs of her of my own (hardcore stuff too hehe), but I ended up getting a restraining order against her and so I'm not sure how much crap posting any of MY stuff would stir up, and she does still know where I live after all.
She was an unbelievable fuck none the less =)
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: 19 years ago