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Some Limewire Finds...

Starter: BiBiBaby Posted: 16 years ago Views: 2.5K
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Lvl 7
Managed to find some pics of a couple of women via Limewire. Looks very much like these were taken in the 1980s, judging by the hairstyles and the make up. The pictures aren't great quality, but they're worth seeing. Seems that the blonde girl is called Heidi and the other is called Jack (Jackie?) Hope you like them!
Lvl 7
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Lvl 25
Using Limewire is like having sex with Sailors; its a good way to catch something bad real quick.
Lvl 7
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Lvl 7
Originally posted by Kanzen

Using Limewire is like having sex with Sailors; its a good way to catch something bad real quick.

I know Kanzen, but I do scan every file and I know all of these were clean. I may be blonde, but I'm not that dumb ;o)
Lvl 7
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Lvl 25
Originally posted by BiBiBaby


I know Kanzen, but I do scan every file and I know all of these were clean. I may be blonde, but I'm not that dumb ;o)

It is not just infected files, they can use code injection over the protocol. Not to mention the fact that the RIAA and MPAA are all over Gnutella now.
Lvl 7
Lvl 7
Originally posted by Kanzen


It is not just infected files, they can use code injection over the protocol. Not to mention the fact that the RIAA and MPAA are all over Gnutella now.

Don't worry, I'm a bit more tech-savvy than most people think - I can guarantee that I didn't download any nasty stuff and I'm certainly not spreading it to anyone on WBW :O) x
Lvl 7
Lvl 7
Lvl 25
Originally posted by BiBiBaby


Don't worry, I'm a bit more tech-savvy than most people think - I can guarantee that I didn't download any nasty stuff and I'm certainly not spreading it to anyone on WBW :O) x

Ummm, code injection doesn't require you to download anything. All the other side has to do is see your IP and then send a request for Super Seeding (which is on by default) and it sends you a chunk of malformed, exploit code. You never know its coming unless you are watching your TCP/IP via sniffer.
I have no clue about the technical stuff you guys are talking about ! As far as the pics A whole Lot Of Lemons! One of the worst set of pics I have ever seen! Did they come from a nursing home?
Lvl 14
All these pictures look like they're from the 80s
Lvl 7
Originally posted by assman3

I have no clue about the technical stuff you guys are talking about ! As far as the pics A whole Lot Of Lemons! One of the worst set of pics I have ever seen! Did they come from a nursing home?

Not great, I know, but better to have bad pics than no pics at all... ;o)
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