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Sexy, Leggy and all in lingerie

Starter: slippery-donkey Posted: 16 years ago Views: 9.4K
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Lvl 21
c'mon SD don't stop there I want to see them use that cucumber
Lvl 6
Pls keep them going!
They are great.
Lvl 18
awesome post that girl is gorgeous!
Lvl 12
Lvl 5
Lvl 12
Please tell me there's more to the series.
Lvl 27
Originally posted by waywardson

c'mon SD don't stop there I want to see them use that cucumber

Sorry bud, that's all i could find
Lvl 5
BRAVO! More!
Lvl 6
nice apartment
Lvl 9
Lvl 9
dead sexy
Lvl 28
Great stuff.
Lvl 6
Really great
Lvl 13
i try not to coment on the way people live and i guess im not to a point
but if i had a babe like that she would not be in that house on that floor
with that other girl
she would have to be in a clean house on a clean floor and with two more girls
i bit nasty if you ask me but the lady look good
Lvl 6
look at how gross this place she being photographed in...! This is sad....really sad!
Lvl 11
Hot chick...sad apartment...
Lvl 14
Girls are great, but why there is so little place for them?? Give them full apartment not only that kitchen! At least wash that place.. Photographer could use his hands to prepare that place better for such beauties..
Lvl 20
blazing hot...more please!!!
Lvl 11
Very, very sexy
Lvl 3
Girl is realy pretty, but kitchen is incredibly ugly!

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