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Starter: sextart Posted: 19 years ago Views: 34.2K
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Lvl 15
there r way more than that
Lvl 15
so with all u guys looking... have any of u found the hidden 1s
Lvl 12
well come on, help us!
we want to see you!
Lvl 12
I think I found another directory but everything is closed so I can't just wildly guess.. so confused.

PM me with your secrets... I promise not to tell
Lvl 15
try going down instead of up...hows that
Lvl 12
yeah I'm thinking I've got that covered....

*getting confused*
Lvl 15
this is easy... there is a new directory... ir works the same way as the old 1... and u were so good the last time
Lvl 12
I know - I'm in the new dir... and I ran it from 1 to 1199 and got 4... that's tough with notepad...
Lvl 15
i know what ur problem is... u didnt add 00 before the 1 like i did...hehe
Lvl 12

more coming... quite literally...
Lvl 15
Thanks sextart! You are a hottie!
Lvl 12

Lvl 12
and more

Lvl 12
one or two of those might have been from the first few posted but some of these are new for sure...

Lvl 12
anyone enjoying as much as I am?

Lvl 12

Lvl 12
a few more.

Lvl 12
last one.

Thanks sextart

as always, enjoying these and eager for more!
Lvl 15
so any1 have a favorite
Lvl 12
of course I like the new avatar - sexy as hell.

other faves - the "o face" shots and this one:
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