Bloody brilliant. Who is hubert?
Set's of Amateurs ...the irreducible minimum 10 pics/girl ;)
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waywardson 15 years ago
agamemnon36 15 years ago
You sir are the Kwizatz Haderach of fine, wholesome amateurs... top marks.
[Deleted] 15 years ago
1 : impossible to transform into or restore to a desired or simpler condition <an irreducible matrix>; specifically : incapable of being factored into polynomials of lower degree with coefficients in some given field (as the rational numbers) or integral domain (as the integers) <an irreducible equation>
2 : impossible to make less or smaller <an irreducible minimum>
— ir·re·duc·ibil·i·ty \-ˌdü-sə-ˈbi-lə-tē, -ˌdyü-\ noun
— ir·re·duc·ibly \-ˈdü-sə-blē, -ˈdyü-\ adverb
2 : impossible to make less or smaller <an irreducible minimum>
— ir·re·duc·ibil·i·ty \-ˌdü-sə-ˈbi-lə-tē, -ˌdyü-\ noun
— ir·re·duc·ibly \-ˈdü-sə-blē, -ˈdyü-\ adverb
Muad-dib 15 years ago
Originally posted by americanbulldog64
1 : impossible to transform into or restore to a desired or simpler condition <an irreducible matrix>; specifically : incapable of being factored into polynomials of lower degree with coefficients in some given field (as the rational numbers) or integral domain (as the integers) <an irreducible equation>
2 : impossible to make less or smaller <an irreducible minimum>
— ir·re·duc·ibil·i·ty -ˌdü-sə-ˈbi-lə-tē, -ˌdyü- noun
— ir·re·duc·ibly -ˈdü-sə-blē, -ˈdyü- adverb
...i am a simple man please use easy wordings
Muad-dib 14 years ago
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