Score: 4.70 Votes: 23
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Self pix sets, lots of EMO girls

Starter: z1 Posted: 16 years ago Views: 17.8K
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Lvl 8
Great thread goldenboy, I'm really startin' to take a shine to these emo chicks. (beer)
Lvl 21
Whats the /b/: they all hae in the pictures????
Lvl 19
Quite an awesome collection
Lvl 6
Lvl 8
post 11 was my fav
Lvl 15
Wow.. I was out for a while, and now that I come back, I go direct on the best thread, ever! Wonderful job, goldenboy, its 10 stars!!!!
Lvl 7
great thread

the girl in the first post is dressed up as Jesse from Team Rocket from Pokemon...

wow...why do i know that

either way...great thready, keep up the good work
Lvl 26
Thanks for all the comments....
Lvl 26
and on wii go

Lvl 26
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Lvl 26
Originally posted by JSteel

Whats the /b/: they all hae in the pictures????

don't know it exactly... but I assume they are codes for channels in stickcam....
Lvl 26
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Lvl 26
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