davethedope 15 years ago
azdesertrat 15 years ago
she's all over in the babe forum...and in my faves. what a cutie.
0ghash 15 years ago
she is def old enough, short threads annoying. Left tit gives her age away. I was talking to a female who is 18, just, who now lives in the states. She finds it annoying how she can't drink and gets treated like a kid. Now i've slept with her before (16 is legal in the uk) and some of the things she can do is mind blowing, i don't get how you can't drink till you're 21 in the states but you can have sex or smoke or drive. Sorry to go off thread here
mellowguy 15 years ago
bc kids are stupid in the states...hardly mature enough to make the right decisions at 21, shame really. girls are very sexually curious/active here. they know what they want around 16-17. laws the law though...gotta be careful who ya trust nowadays.
very cute chick, sweet body and eyes. like to see more. thanks for sharin
very cute chick, sweet body and eyes. like to see more. thanks for sharin