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pretty faces and the pussies that go with them

Starter: Rob3 Posted: 16 years ago Views: 37.2K
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Lvl 39
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Lvl 13
nice to see the face to puss comparison!!
They are convincing to me TY
Lvl 39
Lvl 39
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Lvl 7
pretty girls nice pussys
Lvl 7
pretty girls nice pussys
Lvl 18
where are these pretty faces? They all have porn star/stripper face. Where they're slightly attractive but with some major flaw which is why they end up pornstars/strippers instead of models. A few are just flat out ugly.
Lvl 13
where are these pretty faces? They all have porn star/stripper face. Where they're slightly attractive but with some major flaw which is why they end up pornstars/strippers instead of models. A few are just flat out ugly.

'fraid your'e right, however, who watches the mantlepiece when they're stoking the fire?
Lvl 39
Originally posted by Swiss407

where are these pretty faces? They all have porn star/stripper face. Where they're slightly attractive but with some major flaw which is why they end up pornstars/strippers instead of models. A few are just flat out ugly.

|I think all of them are porn stars. Some are fine and some are just cheap porn stars
Lvl 39
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