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Post your girls ass and comment on the previous.. #2

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 16 years ago Views: 33.7K
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Lvl 11
Excellent thread.
I like a little "junk in the trunk"
Lvl 4
Bump...come on who doesn't love a great ass??!!
Lvl 18
nice ass
Lvl 7
Great ass. Love the outfits.

Now, for the very first time on the internet, *****'s ass. I've been too chicken to put any photos of her on the internet. I think I'll ease myself in with these ass shots.
Lvl 4
anem1e...great ass! Love the bent over shot...perfection!!

Here are a few more!
Lvl 10
Some very nice additions!!!

I think it's time to snap some pics to get this thread going!!!
Lvl 17
Here's my wife's. and the last two above are great.
Lvl 11
Originally posted by .

Shot looks a little "retro" but perfectly round...lovely!! Please post more!

Yep, pics about 20 years old.
Lvl 3
love a good ass
Lvl 11
Originally posted by .

Guess they didn't go on the last try...trying again!

Lvl 8
They is so much HOT ass on this site!! Keep this one going
Here is a few of my 24 year old wife..
Lvl 7
newdude, very nice! thanks for posting again and keeping the thread alive.
Lvl 7
a few more of mine...
Lvl 8
a few more...
Lvl 15
Sweet asses...I couldn't resist!
Lvl 2
Very sweet indeed jdune.. heres one of my gf.. the only one she will let me show for now.
Lvl 21
great ass..
All fantastic!!!
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