Score: 4.45 Votes: 56
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Post your girls ass and comment on the previous..

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 16 years ago Views: 79.7K
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Lvl 9
very nice
Lvl 8
Excellent couple of cracks there 36truck !

Here's my lady's ass.
Lvl 10
Lvl 10
Lvl 16
THAT IS A HOT ASS... let me know what you think about mine
Lvl 5
Originally posted by dodger1429

here is my lovely 47 yr old wife's ass...i hope you appreciate it as much as i do

That's a nice ass 47 or 27
Lvl 18
nice post
Lvl 8
Nice asses... here's mine.
Lvl 8
Lvl 8
Lvl 8
Lvl 8
Lvl 8
Lvl 8
Lvl 8
Lvl 8
Lvl 8
Lvl 6
Nice butt
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