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: 19 years ago
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MatriXxX99 19 years ago
monstah 19 years ago
Ok, help me out here...I like this outfit, it turns me on. Now, my wife would look great in this, but here is my dilemma. Do I need a corresponding outfit to keep the theme going? I don't think I would be nearly as sexy in it as the wife would, and I don't think that she could keep a straight face if I did. I would feel silly and she would be in hysterics, thus, killing the mood and defeating the whole purpose at the same time. If, in fact, she just wore it, does she just come home for work and lounge around in it feeling sexy? Do we need some kind of ritual in order to give the outfit context? Do we need more props to make the outfit seem more natural? Must I redecorate the apartment in order to keep her from looking like a mint on a pizza? This seems to be a complicated outfit. I have more questions about this, but I will spare you the eyestrain ( too late?)
* This post has been modified
: 19 years ago
lexrid 19 years ago
very good thread...
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: 19 years ago
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