Score: 4.73 Votes: 33
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petite emo kelly

Starter: maweber76 Posted: 14 years ago Views: 13.2K
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Lvl 16
Hell yeah!
Lvl 7
Lvl 21
She is smoken hot
Lvl 13
mmmmmm yummy
Lvl 17
Perky breast....
Lvl 8
what a great collection of pics. This girl is smoking hot. Thanks!!
Lvl 4
One of cutest girls around! She's lovely.
Lvl 18
talk about a stupid place to get a tattoo. You couldn't even take her anywhere dressed up with that thing unless she wore a turtle neck.
Lvl 7
I don't seek out tattoos on girls, but if a girl is hot enough, I can overlook them. I wouldn't date her long-term, but I don't mind lookin', and I bet I wouldn't mind....

Damn. Hot.

Thank you!
Lvl 15
too hot to handle
Lvl 8
Don't like the tattoo but goddamn she's cute!
Lvl 14
Finally!!! She is on here randomly...... But this is the motherload!!! She is so one of the best looking girls on this site, the ink kinds sucks but i could definately handle it!!!
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