Score: 4.32 Votes: 19
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Starter: pman Posted: 15 years ago Views: 7.7K
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Lvl 18
Originally posted by two84

Nerly perfect lady 5/5

Just so you know. Using derogatory terms towards women isn't allowed here. So just delete "female dog" and you're good to go.
* This post has been modified by EricLindros : 15 years ago
Lvl 59

You guys know every time you quote it, you basically post it again, right?
Lvl 18
*slaps own self then shakes head at self*
Lvl 8
I appreciate you cleaning up all the stupidity...

doesn't make a lot of sense to quote it, huh?
Lvl 31
nice firm body
Lvl 11
Shes Gorgeous!,Nice Work
Lvl 18
She is pretty hot but she could use some hips and just a lil more ass to put her over the top.
Lvl 15
Lvl 3
absolutely amazing
Lvl 7
not bad? shes fuckin cute. id break her inhalf
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