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Naked ITALIAN Amateur Girls

Starter: bigbadbooty Posted: 15 years ago Views: 101.4K
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Lvl 22
Those olives and wines produce some women
Lvl 12

Lvl 10
I have heard Italian men like to fuck girls with bushes more than waxed ones.
Lvl 12

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Lvl 26
She has wonderful tits.
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Lvl 26
Very good set.
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Lvl 20
italian women are always so beautiful. The only critical comment i have is the over use of a razor ;-) I love italian women to look more natural and they really should have a bush instead of a psudo-pedophilia look that has become popular. I know most men younger then me were raised with acess to porn on the internet and many women went bald in order to appear younger on the net in the 80's and 90's, however it is really not as sweet as seeing a very lovely girl natural.
Lvl 19
Originally posted by Glass_Dragon

italian women are always so beautiful. The only critical comment i have is the over use of a razor ;-) I love italian women to look more natural and they really should have a bush instead of a psudo-pedophilia look that has become popular. I know most men younger then me were raised with acess to porn on the internet and many women went bald in order to appear younger on the net in the 80's and 90's, however it is really not as sweet as seeing a very lovely girl natural.

we "rug munchers" kind of like the no rug look, ya konw ? it is a nice functional change for the better. if you like natural look then go for both the arm pit and leg hair look.
Lvl 19
Originally posted by WindyM

I have heard Italian men like to fuck girls with bushes more than waxed ones.

i was told by my ex that they like a heavily trimmed bush. all there....but well trimmed. it only makes sense if you consider that most of them want to look nice in a bathing suit.

p.s. on second thought, maybe they like them bushy in Sicily. that would hardly be a surprise !
* This post has been modified : 14 years ago
Lvl 12

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