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My Wife - We need your comments

Starter: lawman61 Posted: 15 years ago Views: 2.8K
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Lvl 8
Lvl 26
Come on,post photos,but please,not only 3.Post at least 10,so we can make our opinion!!!
Lvl 8
Having trouble with the images. Hope these come thru

Take a look at this guide, it should help you.
Lvl 8
nothing yet that i can see...
Lvl 8

Lvl 8

Lvl 8

Lvl 13
Lvl 8

Lvl 8

Lvl 30
I would nibble on those nipples all day long.
Lvl 26
First 3 pix looks very promising!!!
Lvl 13
yea i think i would just fuck her to death and suck on them tits till she screamed
Lvl 26
That boobs looks just wonderful!!!
Lvl 8
All I have for now, but I just thought I'd add that she's a real screamer when we're doin it and she cums really hard too.
Lvl 26
5* for that!
Lvl 13
well we have to wait for the graylisting to end but for know im in
Lvl 8
What's the deal with the grey list and why did 3 show up right now?
Lvl 13
well with the new guys such as your self your pics are like that until a mod can look them over and they release them it dont take long

after you post like 100 it dont do that anymore

not pics just post so start talking and get out of the n00bie deal and post post post

i think i got it right
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