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My Wife

Starter: unknownxxx Posted: 16 years ago Views: 32.4K
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Lvl 10
Amazing,please show us more!!
Lvl 33
lovely, kepp her dressing and undressing her....
Lvl 12
post 81 1st pic, thats just to hot. post more of that if you have any. thanks.
Lvl 12
my mistake, i ment 192 the 1st pic.
Lvl 7
Lvl 7
5 more for now. thx for all the comments
Lvl 7
You must have kept taking pictures, even after the kids. As hot as she is I can't help but think she's still incredible. How 'bout some new ones or ones where she's lactating? You're a lucky guy!
Lvl 26
Originally posted by deathbyboredom

my mistake, i ment 192 the 1st pic.
Never mind,she is always sexy.
Lvl 14
sweet new pics
Lvl 12
a genuine hotty...
Lvl 14
Too bad for censoring her face, but I understand.
Lvl 10
Sexy and hot as always!
love the shots in #205
Lvl 13
Amazing; truly.. Thanks for sharing!
Lvl 7
Lvl 7
5 more... enjoy!
Lvl 14
love the second pic on this page, nice tight asshole, I bet it feels great
Lvl 9
i want to see BOOBS
Lvl 10
It's always nice to see that lovely ass!
She looks soooo hot on all 4 ! Thx for the new pics
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