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My girlfriend. What do ya think?

Starter: Fatmidgetlova Posted: 17 years ago Views: 195.2K
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Lvl 7
Lvl 6
hey man, check ur pm emails
Lvl 7
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Lvl 7
I'll post more tomorrow
Lvl 7
God damn she is sexy!
Lvl 12
What do I think?

I think you should stop wasting time posting her pictures and spend more time with the real thing. She's so hot! Seriously, although the pics are great, I'd totally understand if you did not have time to post more.
Lvl 20
i'd hit a couple times a day
Lvl 8
Something is growing
Lvl 9
i say u guys make a vid

those handcuffs r hawt

ps. my g.f got same jeans lol
Lvl 7
Def have vids. Look in the back ground of the pics.. Theres a TV with her on it.. Video was running too for the pictures and after activities...
Theyre coming later
Lvl 15
after close review of her offerings i declare her a member of the stick family.....with minor bumps, that is
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