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My girlfriend. What do ya think?

Starter: Fatmidgetlova Posted: 17 years ago Views: 195.0K
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Lvl 7
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Lvl 13
Lvl 7
Still more to come later
Lvl 9
Hot Great pic's 5*!

Her body looks so much like my Wife's I was looking to make sure it wasn't an old boy friend who'd posted these from years ago!!!
Lvl 21
Really like this girl! Thanks for sharing these great pics!
Lvl 7
Originally posted by 10Count

Hot Great pic's 5*!

Her body looks so much like my Wife's I was looking to make sure it wasn't an old boy friend who'd posted these from years ago!!!

Well she is a little too young to be your wife,, but if they look alike.. I would like to see some pics of her
Lvl 11
Wow she is very hot. I love the pics. Please take some with thigh highs.....OMG.
Lvl 10
very sexy thanks
Lvl 13
thanks for the pictures. Beautiful girl. Would like to see her face, even if she is fully clothed.
Lvl 9
Originally posted by Fatmidgetlova

Well she is a little too young to be your wife,, but if they look alike.. I would like to see some pics of her

My Wife has just turned 30, I'm not getting too far with the idea of her letting me post her on here , but I'm still working on it (fingers crossed). But once again thanks for the pics' of your hottie!
Lvl 9
great tnks
Lvl 9
Lvl 14

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