very nice, thanks for sharing
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mittico 14 years ago
thk you jetjaguar for sharing your hot gf.... you're lucky..!!!! 
post some
post some
sexyfred1990 14 years ago
I *have* to ask you... what on EARTH are you doing *encouraging* the girl you (supposedly) love, to exploit herself for the gratification of total strangers?. You must be as mixed up and insecure as she possibly is. This is NEVER a good idea, and you're getting a comment from a well balanced guy here, not just some other sleaze-bag on a porn forum, okay.
If you respect her, try to SUBTLY discourage her from the idea - this can only damage your relationship, and her self esteem. My advice is for you not to be so naive and short-sighted - BOTH of you. She is beautiful, and I am sure she can find better ways to boost her self confidence.
I wish you all the best
If you respect her, try to SUBTLY discourage her from the idea - this can only damage your relationship, and her self esteem. My advice is for you not to be so naive and short-sighted - BOTH of you. She is beautiful, and I am sure she can find better ways to boost her self confidence.
I wish you all the best
Suciteasy 14 years ago
Amazing girlfriend there buddy, would definitely love to see more. Maybe more of her ass
jetjaguar 14 years ago
@ sexyfred hmmm thankyou for the concern but really we are both open minded adults who enjoy what we do, If we did not enjoy it we would not do it. I love her of course i do we have been together for a long while and know each other inside out, If she was insecure would she really be displaying her body on here. She has her heart set on this and i asked her right now if she feel exploited in anyway and she reply with laughter. I have not encouraged or discouraged her from anything she is a strong and determined woman and makes her own life choices. As for our relationship it is as strong as ever and we feel comfortable with each other and also have much trust. Something i do not understand is that if you feel that girls who post on here are exploiting themselves then why on earth are you on this site. Hope that clears things up and i hope that i do not offend in any way as that is not my intention
Paddy! 14 years ago
well i think shes hot, if i was into paying for porn (ha!) id pay to see her!!
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