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My Fucking Sexy Girl

Starter: w1sH_up0n_A_St4r Posted: 16 years ago Views: 6.9K
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Lvl 14
I would fuck her, does she take it in the ass?
Originally posted by leon2006

phlux you are so gay,change the pink t-shirt allready.

is it you in the avatar?

haha. i like your equation of pink with gayness, cute!

seriously though, sorry if i have at least one ounce of respect for women, I KNOW I KNOW, IT'S DESPICABLE.

i suppose a site with a bunch of half retarded, horny, pathetic, old men isn't a good place to preach the equality of women. after all, who doesn't wanna just look at some tits?!?!?!?! even if they are attached to a human being...
oh and no, it is not me. all the masks i have aren't as badass as this one...
Lvl 8
Lvl 14
her face is cute too, I would fuck her. Her ass is her best feature so far, havent seen her pussy though
Lvl 10
Does she say Yes, Yes a lot
Lvl 14
I'm pretty sure there's a place somewhere in the porn industry for her and their always looking for fresh new faces.
Lvl 11
Don't mind the haters. If she wants to be a porn star, I'd recommend she read some Autobiographies that some of the ladies have already put out (Jenna Jamison has a big one). Tell her to read what it's really all about and not the typical "porn stars are sluts mantra".

And keep the pics coming!
Originally posted by Dreaz

Don't mind the haters. If she wants to be a porn star, I'd recommend she read some Autobiographies that some of the ladies have already put out (Jenna Jamison has a big one). Tell her to read what it's really all about and not the typical "porn stars are sluts mantra".

And keep the pics coming!

i never knew that taking random penis for money wasn't slutty. well, i guess it's more whore-ish than slutty. so you're right, she won't be a slut, just a legal whore. awesome!
She is really hot man thanks for sharing!
Lvl 15
Very nice! She's got the body for porn and a nice sweet face that porn addict such as myself would like to see creamed
I think we need to see her in action to be sure though. Any chance to get a movie? Does she do anal? Cause that's mandatory
Thanks for posting, those are great pics...
Lvl 5
absolute hottie, she has a great body, nice legs, ass, boobs, pussy and the cute looks to go with it, she's got the moves and I def can't wait to see more of her!!! thanks for sharing with us I hope there's a vid on the way too
Lvl 16
Nice pics but i think we need a better quality face pic to be certain. Some fan signs would be good too.
Lvl 14
We need to see a better and close up pic of her face and pussy. Also if she really wanted to do porn, she would probably need a boob job and she would have to do anal.
Lvl 26
Originally posted by thegame14

We need to see a better and close up pic of her face and pussy. Also if she really wanted to do porn, she would probably need a boob job and she would have to do anal.
You are absolutely right!!!
Lvl 6
So 3 days and the damn pics are gone???? Pornstar wanna be my ass,,,,,
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