Score: 3.61 Votes: 46
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My Ex-Hottie,rate her pls!

Starter: dragon1969 Posted: 17 years ago Views: 25.6K
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Lvl 14
Lvl 8
looks good from here
Lvl 52
nice ass. really good set of cans. i really like the boots and thigh highs.
Lvl 52
can we have some more pics please?
Lvl 21
great babe thx mate
Lvl 7
she has great tits
Lvl 7
Yum Yum i'm sure you had good times with her
Lvl 9
Sweet! Nice body and I'd love to get my mouth around those nipples!
More please
Lvl 17
nic nips
Lvl 15
Not bad for an ex Hope you were able to upgrade
Lvl 6
^^^ great pics. love the shaved pussy
On a scale from 1-10 with 1 being extremely ugly, 5 average, 9 super model quality and 10 perfect, I would rate her a 7 (very attractive). Any male who would rate her much lower must be queer.
* This post has been modified : 3 years ago
Lvl 19
a 7 from me
Lvl 9
Nice tits...Not enough nudes...I give a 6 outta 10
Lvl 12
very nice ashole mjam,look my ex wife she was show all to other guys at nudist beach
Lvl 6
I wanted to rate her pics but I was busy making a mess on them.
Lvl 5
shes a tight one
Lvl 9
nice. 7/10
Anyone else but me hate it when the heads are always cut off of the women?
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