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My busty GF

Starter: josephrobson Posted: 13 years ago Views: 35.5K
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Lvl 7
what would you do to her?
* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
Lvl 30
Get her nude and post the pics in the nude section is what I would do!
Lvl 14
very nice. well done
id bend her over the desk and fill her full of cum... then post in on wbw :p
or at least the first part
Lvl 26
Playing with her tits would be excellent,for start!The rest is classic!
Lvl 7
got 5 from me lets see some more she is awesome!!!
Lvl 12
nice gf.... congrat bro
Lvl 18
fun stuff, I hope you encourage her to keep taking photos!
Lvl 15
She's hot - post some more dude!
Lvl 7
very nice...thanks
Lvl 6
I'll use that vibe on her, let her use it on me and repeat all night long. She is beautiful, enjoy her!
Lvl 9
open bobs bb
Lvl 14
Nothing, I don't want to go to prison!
Lvl 9
I would be inside of her at EVERY opportunity. Keep the pics coming pal!! she's a hotty
Lvl 4
I would drop her back off at the playground you found her at.
Lvl 9
Originally posted by johnsnj

I would drop her back off at the playground you found her at.

REALLY???? How old do ya reckon. I would of though 19/20 atleast???
Lvl 9
The only playground she needs to be at is when she becomes the merry-go-round on the end of my.................attempts to fit in with the boys. XD
Lvl 7
shes 21
Lvl 7
more pics?
Lvl 7
ill post more next time she sends me some
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