Score: 4.13 Votes: 55
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Mr. Smiles is Back Better than EVER! (18 year old gf)

Starter: kevinstale Posted: 17 years ago Views: 21.5K
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Lvl 7
Love the shot of her well used, wide open cock receptacle with cum leaking out of it. But bro, you need a better camera.
Lvl 7
these were taken with a sony digicam mimidvd-r, so its main use was not for pictures...these were just an afterthought...
Lvl 7
anyone up for more?
Lvl 7
Lvl 18
with out the face I lose interest
Lvl 7
Originally posted by wildcatman

with out the face I lose interest

yeah why don't you post your face and your real name and all that so we know exactly who the hell you are
Lvl 4
thank you...she is beautiful....please your asian girl...thanks again
Lvl 4
Lvl 15
I understand she doesn't wanna show her face and I thank her for accepting to show her body. She is gorgeous! Is she asian?
Lvl 7
many thanx worth my membership...thanx
Lvl 7
Yes she is asian...and no problem
Lvl 12
Love the shots of her puss from behind.

Lvl 7
Here is one for now...but she gets more naked..

See the dedication to WBW? and the Smile of course

Let see how this goes and i'll think about the more...explicit
ones later!
Lvl 7
oh what the is a little
preview to more to come!

If there are more comments and ratings
of course
I like her . Thanks for the pics and hoping for more to come .
Lvl 29
She is sensational! And you're a lucky man.
Lvl 7
Here is one more for now...
Lvl 7
sorry for the quality...those are screen shots from MSN messenger
super fine... cant wait for more
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