Do you want me to keep posting?
Hell yes!
69.33% (339)
Stop! You're hurting my eyes!
30.67% (150)
i have several thousands of MissJades pics. I thought I was doing good by organizing them into seperate set files, but now that I go through them, theres no way to tell which have been posted and which have not. So...Im going to go through every single pic in every single folder and pic the ones that I think are the best and post them! When I'm done, my PC will be organized for once and I'll know which sets have been posted and which havent!
Most are not reposts...some may be. Sorry in advance and at any time you want me to stop...give me the word and I'll be done.
Until's MissJade.
Most are not reposts...some may be. Sorry in advance and at any time you want me to stop...give me the word and I'll be done.
Until's MissJade.
* This post has been modified
: 15 years ago