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Middle Eastern Babes

Starter: zeus01 Posted: 15 years ago Views: 19.9K
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Lvl 10
OK shame about the hairy pussies, but thanks anyway
Lvl 4
Not Good, Not good at all.
Lvl 7
Originally posted by averal89

Not Good, Not good at all.

Looks good to me

why don't you try and contribute before you criticize "n00b"
Lvl 27
go on with that buddy. i'm lovin it!!
Lvl 32
Lvl 32
Lvl 32
Lvl 32
Lvl 32
Lvl 32
Lvl 14
There is nothing like middle eastern girlS Speaking from experience of course!

Post away dear sir!! Much enjoyment to be had here!
Lvl 7
I have been to "Middle Eastern" and I have to say, these girls were prob killed after they were found out about these pics..and they prob smell too..sorry it's just the way it is.
Lvl 8
Amazing post, love the exotic women!!!
Lvl 21
A fatwa upon your heathen head!
Lvl 32
Lvl 32
Originally posted by KKing

I have been to "Middle Eastern" and I have to say, these girls were prob killed after they were found out about these pics..and they prob smell too..sorry it's just the way it is.
Boom! LMAO
Lvl 23
nice pics! thx!
Lvl 11
Originally posted by KKing

I have been to "Middle Eastern" and I have to say, these girls were prob killed after they were found out about these pics..and they prob smell too..sorry it's just the way it is.

Yeah I highly doubt this. Clearly theyre not from an extremist country because if they were, then the guy is highly unlikely to have even taken the picture. Theyre more than likely second or third generation in a western country. Judging from the clothes theyre wearing, theyre clearly not in one of the countries generally assumed to be middle eastern. And even then, most middle eastern countries have westernized. Theres only a handfull of countries who are still considered "old school". And also judging by your post I know that you are either Air force or Navy and think that Qatar is "middle eastern" even though most of the men and women dress in Jeans and t-shirts. Obviously you know nothing of the middle east or the people that live there. Its like me saying that Canadians kill themselves every time their local Hockey team loses. So I highly doubt youve ever been anywhere near the real "middle east" because You know nothing of the sort.
Lvl 22
Great post, esp. #38-39, thx
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