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Me continued

Starter: amihot Posted: 19 years ago Views: 23.3K
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Oh, and queens language or not (I am american, by the way) you need to at least have a basic grasp on the one you speak before you can attempt to insult me.

* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 29
Originally posted by EvilJack

Btw Kane666 - slider had this little fucking monkey boy (or old man) named Uncle Bud. Know him?

I remember him. He told a story about his first orgasm. It was his male cousin giving him a hand job!!

* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Exactly. Kane seems to be coming to the rescue of this version of "slider" rather quickly. And with the same bad language skills.

I see through the bullshit.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 15
nope i do not know her who ever she is and i must have insulted you jackshack they way you responded ...lot of anger there pal try to get into the real world and have some fun over 8000 post what a life you must lead there assclown. so chill out and have some fun pal...and who cares who they are any way not like you going to hook up with her or anything there monkey boy so enjoy the nudes who needs there names
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 9
I have nothing but positive things to say about this picture.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
First off, PAL - The Fucking Name is EVILJACK.

You are about to find out why.

Secondly, I dont give a fuck who you are, or what purpose you think you are serving here. I have 8000 posts because ive been here Posting the fucking porn that you leech far longer than you've even been registered. Without people like me, you wouldnt have a forum to post your useless dribble on and you wouldnt be here to "have fun".

Think before you open your mouth - and for god fucking sakes

Break up your fucking sentences and use proper english so that I can at least understand what you are trying to insult me with, K? THX.

They are called periods and paragraph breaks. Use them.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Oh, and by the way:

not like you going to hook up with her

Thank the fucking lord. She's old enough to be my mother.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 15
lol,ok man sorry pal. thank you for your support i will stop now and here is a free gift, please enjoy.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 22
ok.....jack made his point...he is all evil and whatnot....

kane666- he has a point. we do need some rudimentary english lessons bro.

now you guys stop being a couple of foreskins, im locking this up

amihot-whoever/whatever you are, i wouldnt mind seeing more pictures like you posted....i dont care who they are at the moment, i think the girl whose face you posted is cute.

feel free to make a new thread if you feel like it, this one has kinda degenerated into nothing.

* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 22
ps- fartpenis
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
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