Originally posted by xfactor80
it's funny 'cause all i see are fattys and dinner plate nipples. i really am quite the fan of a milf, but some of these girls/women/whatever you want to call them have nasty written all over them. although, there are like two (maybe?) that i don't mind. but then i again... if i'm such a milf expert i should be the one contributing to the nakie women forum. yuh!
does the title of this thread say MILF? i dont think so, it says Mature, and your right if you want to post the pics you want to see, start a thread and start postin
anyone ever notice its always the newbies that start shit?
obviously your a douchebag... i'm not starting shit, i was just speaking my mind in a friendly way. i didn't bash a thing the kid said/posted. i was just saying what i like and dislike. just because you post more than me, makes you no better. get a life my man.
Hell i know im no better than you, never said i was, and what i ment by starting shit, the majority of newbies are the ones that leave neg comments about older women that arent ten's...and im not trying to start anything by this, im just curious, how old are you?
i'm 20
* This post has been modified
: 18 years ago