Score: 4.61 Votes: 31
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Katerina , beautiful blonde with big boobs

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 16 years ago Views: 13.9K
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Lvl 11
Those could hurt someone.
Lvl 12
10/10 >_O
Lvl 53
Sure could have some fun with her
Lvl 13
oh she is hot


Lvl 3
I have a few videos of her getting laid. So hot!
Lvl 51
she is hot, thx
Your welcome .


Lvl 10
beautiful tits, thx

Lvl 9
wow! October 2007 is definitely a fuckin-huge-naturally-boobs-month

Lvl 24
they look natural ,how the fuck do'es a girl that slim end up with tits that big,would love a shot
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