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Just another night at the hotel...

Starter: rancidguy Posted: 15 years ago Views: 10.8K
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Lvl 8
They're not quite "average bodies"...they're kind of HEAVY!!!
Lvl 11
There seems to be a dispute about a woman's size making them attractive or not. I live in an area with a good share of corn fed women. They all seem to be able to attract a man. There is someone for everyone. It's all personal preference. I think you can visually divide plus sized women into thick, plump, or grossly fat. I personally like thick to mildly plump. That's not to say I don't like a shape that is considered beautiful by most. The women in these pictures seem to be having a good time in spite of there weight. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but there are less desireable features on some women than a few extra pounds. You can lose weight. Ugly is hard to get rid of.
Lvl 23
will pass thanks (hang)
Lvl 11
i forgot to check, but i really hope it was people from north america posting negatively towards the girls sizes.... i dare each of you to look up statistics regarding obeisity in our countries (canada and usa mainly, some European countries too) and THEN talk about what is "average" or not.
Lvl 8
Well, I'm in Canada, and I'll pass every time on the ones in these pics.........sheesh....
Lvl 19
Originally posted by jenngurl23

i forgot to check, but i really hope it was people from north america posting negatively towards the girls sizes.... i dare each of you to look up statistics regarding obeisity in our countries (canada and usa mainly, some European countries too) and THEN talk about what is "average" or not.


I see your point...hope others do too, but for me it is a big turn off to know that it is more a matter of being able to put the fork down once in awhile. Echos of low self esteem and lack of personal discipline, no ?

With that in mind, an attractive, even alluring smile is discounted by half.
Lvl 11
Originally posted by 888SPO



I see your point...hope others do too, but for me it is a big turn off to know that it is more a matter of being able to put the fork down once in awhile. Echos of low self esteem and lack of personal discipline, no ?

With that in mind, an attractive, even alluring smile is discounted by half.

oh no doubt. i never said that i liked or had attraction towards or felt that being obese is ok. im heavily in to track and volleyball and staying active and healthy myself personally, and like people who are simliar.

i just DON'T like, however, when people feel it's necessary to make terribly negative comments towards something that could have been left alone if they didn't like it. or at least have the background knowledge before-hand before making comments towards an "average" they know nothing about due to probably a combination or ignorance, wilfull blindness, and too much time observing internet or tv ideas of their/hollywoods perfect body.

again. I personally am not endorsing or saying i find being overweight attractive, just galls me when people are well, dumb
Lvl 7
all's fun in sex and sex!!!!!!
Lvl 7
the complainers probably jerk off here more than with a partner! lmao
Lvl 12
Hey comeon it is not their fault there were only chocolates in the house to eat.

Nothing better than a portable bakery, rolls anyone???
Lvl 5
This post seems to have started a whole new debate, I for one believe that big girls can be very sexy and thin girls can be very boring in bed, my wife is a big girl but loves any position, loves oral, is happy to make home movies and pics and will do anal now and again if she feels really dirty, the girls in this post are obviously big but they are also obviously game for fun, I certainly enjoyed the lesbian oral shots and am sure most guys would love to be in the middle of that.
I am not saying that whale sized bloaters are sexy but I am saying that girls this size are capable of being very sexy indeed.
Thanks to whoever posted the pics and please send more in.
Lvl 24
*** I am locking this thread as people cannot execpt that not everyone is a perfect as them and insulting people is not what we are here for **
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