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Is this emo girl hot or not

Starter: maweber76 Posted: 15 years ago Views: 9.8K
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Lvl 7
i like the body but not the face.
Lvl 12
not nice .no.
Lvl 17
Not hot... she looks pitiful.
Lvl 29
Nice tits, anyway!!

Lvl 9
she is cute but damn she needs to lose the facial piercings!
Lvl 6
I'm into those types of girls so it's an A+ for me. Keep 'em cumming man!
Lvl 37
a whole lot of not
Lvl 12
She scares me a bit, being honest. Nothing personal
Lvl 16
She's hot . Just needs to stop making the wide eyed stupor look .
she reminds me of a pigeon
Lvl 7
Lvl 28
Lvl 7
Nope just a little too scary for me
Lvl 10
Not really, however she has been reposted more times than she has piercings?!
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