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Internet Debut

Starter: Whip Posted: 16 years ago Views: 9.7K
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Lvl 11
Whip was online more than 48 hours ago... I have a bad feeling about that!
Lvl 23
Very hot, when she kills you can I have her
Lvl 27
I wonder what type of odds Vegas has on if he does come back alive or not
Lvl 11
Ok! We can start to pray for our friend WHIP... no news, bad news!!!
Lvl 9
yep he's definitely a goner
Lvl 9
Looks like she has a heart on.
Lvl 13
Ok, Everything went great. Told her that I posted pics of her on the internet and she about had a cow! Then I told her why(that I wanted a second opinion on how she looks)and she ask "what did they say about me"? I showed her the post and by the time she finished reading them she was wet!(no kidding) We had great sex that night and I believe there is a huge chance for more pictures very soon.
Lvl 27

What, wait, now I owe my bookie money
Lvl 14
awesome, she has a great ass.
Lvl 10
Originally posted by Whip

Ok, Everything went great. Told her that I posted pics of her on the internet and she about had a cow! Then I told her why(that I wanted a second opinion on how she looks)and she ask "what did they say about me"? I showed her the post and by the time she finished reading them she was wet!(no kidding) We had great sex that night and I believe there is a huge chance for more pictures very soon.

Congrats on the great results, and looking forward to more pics of your hot lady!
Lvl 12
can't wait! can't wait! can't wait! can't wait! can't wait! can't wait!
oh, did i mention i'm happy your not dead? seriously, glad to hear the good news and i hope this makes her
feel better about herself.
Lvl 5
phhhheeewwww "Whip" is alive and it seemed to go down a treat with you sexy milf

We were all praying for you lol That must have been so hot, seeing her get all excited over this thread, everyone talking about how hot she is... mmm she got wet hehe

Really glad it went down ok, she really is very hot and I am really looking forward to seeing some more - I think a round of applause is in order for mr & mrs Whip, thank you!!
Lvl 16
That's great whip.. That had to be a priceless experiance.. Glad she took it the right way.. Welcome back.

Thanks Mrs. Whip for not killing him dead. You are even [color=red]HOTTER [color=white] now.
Lvl 7
Just goes to show...there really are good women out there...restores my faith. Glad to hear the good news whip. Wish I coulda been a fly on the wall.
Lvl 14
That's not a tumor, she has a massive nose bleed.
Lvl 17
She's absolutely gorgeous. Post more of her while you're still alive (if you still are, that is).
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