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I would fuck her so hard, she wouldn't be able to walk! How about you?!

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 16 years ago Views: 7.7K
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Lvl 13
Well, I'd fuck her too. but afterwards she'd probably be a bit bored and wanting more, so I'd just slink off and hope she never tells anybody about it.
Lvl 22
"I would fuck her so hard, she wouldn't be able to walk! How about you?!" Yup! And if I was lucky it would be the other way around I would not be able to walk.
Lvl 11
nice gal , thanks for the post
Lvl 59
I prefer not to cripple the wimminz I sex because dragging them out of my house afterward is a hassle I don't need, so, no, I would not "fuck her so hard, she wouldn't be able to walk!"
Lvl 10
She is great!
I would fuck her all day and night long in all ways I know!!
She is hot!

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