Score: 4.81 Votes: 236
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i love these girls

Starter: rogue5189 Posted: 15 years ago Views: 256.9K
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Lvl 14
Lvl 14
Lvl 3
too much photoshop
Lvl 14
Lvl 7
excellent job, dude!! keep it up!!(beer)
Lvl 26
Still awesome.
Lvl 6
i love them too 5/5
Lvl 31
not only are they excellent girls, but most of the pics are excellent quality as well!! thanks a ton, hope to see more!!
Lvl 20
Woot! Nice selections.
Lvl 27
Well I have to give your taste a 98%. Nice post! Keep it up.
Lvl 4
Nice post! Keep it up.
Lvl 12
This is a 5 star's selection !

Thanks a lot, can wait to see more.
Lvl 7
these girls are amazing
Lvl 23
Is it just me or do alot of these pics appear to have had some HDR filter run on them lol!
Lvl 14
had my exams so cudn't post d updates bt nw m back....
Lvl 14
Lvl 14
Lvl 29
You have excellent taste in women ... thanks
Wonderful Collection TY
Lvl 8
SWEET!!!! Not a single bad shot.
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