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I have a Selfshooter addiction...(UPDATED 10/8)

Starter: hookahpalookah Posted: 12 years ago Views: 49.5K
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Lvl 4
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Lvl 4
thats it for now, so many pics, so little time!
Lvl 18
great girls!!
Lvl 4
awesome start!!!!
Lvl 14
narcissistic? if I had boobs like these chicks I'd stay home an look at them in the mirror too.
Got to love self shooters!
Lvl 22
...narcissistic girls are what makes this site as great as it is! gotta love narcissistic girls. great post

Lvl 4
You are not the only one with an addiction to narcissistic girls. But I sure won't go to a 12 step program for it!
Lvl 21
this is a good addiction to have
Lvl 26
Wonderful collection!
Lvl 13
excellent start
Lvl 4
time for an update!

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