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Hot showers

Starter: BWL Posted: 16 years ago Views: 22.0K
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Lvl 14
This post got me cumming!
Lvl 11
Shower: pr Show 'er. To bathe under multiple streams of cascading water.
Optional meaning: Show 'er: "show 'er how much you love her."
Lvl 12
GREAT thread, I loves me some shower pics!
Lvl 40
Lovely pics dude.

Thanks for sharing and keep up the good work.
Lvl 51
nice pictures, thx
Lvl 6
Nice collection, thanks for sharing.
Lvl 13
Excellent collection. Thanks for sharing.
Great thread . Post more , please .
Lvl 15
some awesome pics!
Lvl 14 much for showers making you clean! It's a sacrifice I think I can make
Lvl 21
when i see pix like this ill wanna be a shower
Lvl 14
#16 far right I want more
Lvl 27
Originally posted by MagicTips

when i see pix like this ill wanna be a shower

not only that... I would like to be a shower head

but anyway: well done BWL!

Lvl 11
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Lvl 11
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