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ph4nikater 18 years ago
Memphis. 18 years ago
good start so far.
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: 18 years ago
slimebot 18 years ago
I read the title of this post and thought I was going to get to see some rugs. Man was I disappointed.
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: 18 years ago
zepl 18 years ago
http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/oriental < Just a dictionary
o·ri·en·tal Pronunciation Key (ôr-ntl, r-)
1. often Oriental Of or relating to the countries of the Orient or their peoples or cultures; eastern.
So if you want to be an ass, at least be a smart ass.
o·ri·en·tal Pronunciation Key (ôr-ntl, r-)
1. often Oriental Of or relating to the countries of the Orient or their peoples or cultures; eastern.
So if you want to be an ass, at least be a smart ass.
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: 18 years ago
CopenXin 18 years ago
I love women of Asian ethnicity, and they prefer to be called Asian as opposed to Orientals.
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: 18 years ago
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