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Hot MILF.... How Old do you reckon she is?

Starter: vass82001 Posted: 13 years ago Views: 38.9K
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Lvl 12
* This post has been modified : 12 years ago
Lvl 10
Idd say, in her fourties... and looking gooooooood!
Lvl 17
Mid to late forties wearing well
Lvl 14
37 but I'm not convinced she's a MILF..... I think she's just a cougar. Her tits may not be as firm and perky as when she was 18 but her tummy is. No way she's got kids and still has tight tummy with no visible stretch marks.
Lvl 12
Sorry I can't agree, know plenty of women including my current parner who have had kids and there tum and thighs and butt are as tight as f***, the give away is the tits that have that slightly empty and used look, I put her around early forties
Lvl 7
30's for sure. She's not that old, kiddies.
Lvl 5
Late thirty's for sure.
Lvl 9
late thirties at most, don't think she's broken 40 yet
Lvl 26
Not more than 35.
Lvl 9
late 30's and very nice.
Lvl 17
30 something, but we need more material to be sure...
Lvl 59
I'm not good at this game, but I'll give it a shot: 137.

Did I get it right?
Lvl 18
38 w/ 2 kids
Lvl 6
40, no kids, divorced because her husband slept with a younger broad!
Lvl 12
Well, I like her and would like to see more of her
Lvl 4
Lvl 14
She is fantastic
Lvl 28

If she's older than that, her face and hands are not showing it.
* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
Lvl 14
40 with four kids. I beleive I know her.
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