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HOT dark haired GIRL.... my new adventure exclusiv on WBW!!!!

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 13 years ago Views: 29.3K
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Lvl 9
i like her dude!
Lvl 12
Those lips are horrible and she should hang her Dr. for that bad boob job. She would have been hotter the without the surgery.
Lvl 22
I bet she was quite the hottie before becoming Mrs Frankenstein..
Lvl 21
Her face is ~ 15 years older than her body!
Lvl 19
Lvl 18
Nice adventure reports! Thx.

May you take your good camera and go back to adventure no1? That blonde one really had something.

Keep having fun!
* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
Lvl 9
so hot... thanx
Lvl 14
I'm a part of the anti-enhancement party.
Her doctor dropped her from a 9 to a 5.
Lvl 19
such a bizarre looking face.. very octo-momish
Lvl 13
Really ugly plastic barby.
Lvl 9
I still dig her bro!
Lvl 8
Butt ugly and nasty boobs. But man, can she suck a pole.
Lvl 10
She is more plastic then something else ...
Lvl 13
Your doing good...Keep postin
Lvl 4
hot pics and thank you for sharing ! as for all the comments, you guys should be nicer about her. at least she's willing .... just for the record, women should keep their own eye brows and maintain them. the use of a crayon is a bad sub for eyebrows just saying.
Next month there will be a new "adventure"
Lvl 18
Sounds good! Have fun!
Lvl 6
Like we say in my country: "Why does the beaver have a flat tail ? Because he gets blow by a duck!"
Lvl 4
Her Left eye is suffering from the botox. but i would hit her hard
she is HOT
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