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Hana in lingerie

Starter: zvone Posted: 18 years ago Views: 3.8K
Lvl 11
After some critisizam on my account I'm in hurry to post something. Go with this one beacouse it's perfect. No head beacouse it's my ex girlfriend (now she is merried, mother of little boy..) and don't want to make her a problem. I have some more pictures of her and want to ask - is it forbiden on WBW to make some blur on his face (i hate that too but.. ) Thanks! I hope you like Hana
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 11
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 13
Thanks for the pic! She's nice!

And nice to see that you picked up the WBW style of things so quickly!

There's no rule whatsoever against blurring faces (or cutting them of like you did). As you said, we prefer girls WITH faces, but it's up to you (and perfectly understandable if you don't post the face).
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Great pic, she's got a nice bod.

Like woodsworth said, faces are nice, but its okay to blur them. (beer) to you for respecting her privacy.

Post away.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 26
wow!!! now we're talking... she has an amazing body! hope there is lot more of her...
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 11

Just to make myself clear, second one is a blur beacouse I taking pictures with left hand (and with right one I keep up my Big Boy on stand by ) and on last one, my cat don't make me a blowjob he just come to see with what i playing
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 12
Gief more please she is niiiice !! !
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
zvone, why not use something like mspaint or something and just blur/blacken her face out so we can see her body better.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 7
man shes nice, would like to see more. i love lingerie
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 13
Originally posted by zvone

and on last one, my cat don't make me a blowjob he just come to see with what i playing

It's ok. You may well admit that you trained your cat to do that.
It wouldn't even be the oddest thing I heard on WBW...
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 8
she's hot!, keep 'em comin!
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 7
She is truly nice. thank you .
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 11

I blacken her face (O God I hate that beacouse she's have nice face.. little oriental look). I have some more (about ten) pictures in different position and post that latter (I must see some betting options for tonight first ) After we break we stay friends and stay in contact long time, and she send me some pictures made by her web cammera (this is when she find that she's pregnant and she told me on chat that she's tits become larger, i was jokeing her that she's lier and she send me this caps for evidence girls a so naive sometimes ) This pictures I will send when I find cd where I store tham.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 11
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 11
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 11

This is all from Hana in this series.I hope I will find one more on CD if it's any interes for this
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 8
perfect thanks for posting
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago