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Grandpa's Collection... (Update October the 23rd)

Starter: Muad-dib Posted: 16 years ago Views: 53.8K
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Lvl 27
Lvl 27
Lvl 27
Lvl 27
Lvl 14
I don't care how old the photo is, or what era it's from, but this is one fine ASS!

Edit: The hotlink didn't work, so here is the URL:
Lvl 6
Wow theres so much wool you could knit a sweater!
Lvl 27
Lvl 27
Lvl 27
Lvl 27
Lvl 27
going on here:

Lvl 27
Lvl 27
Lvl 27
Lvl 27
is it a milf?...

Lvl 27

Lvl 5
Thanks man, I love vintage pics! Back when women were women, though it's a slightly strange getting off to chicks that are most likely dead and buried now...unless you're into that kind of thing.
Lvl 9
My, my. Grandpa had a lot of porn. Thanks for posting these.
Lvl 4
nice post nice to how thing were
Lvl 6
Wow this is really cool i didn't know stuff like this was out there...guess I'm just a youngin' ...
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