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Girls with two guys

Starter: Hamburglar Posted: 20 years ago Views: 15.7K
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Lvl 12
another one
Lvl 16
Okay, I've got 3rd thoughts...... I've decided to not bend to peer pressure!
Lvl 12
DP is possible, R_S's pic ^ isn't a fake. Most of the time when searching for 2-guys 1-girl, it's the Bi-sex stuff you end up with. Doesn't have to be that way, you'd be amazed how the guys can stay away from each other when they want to.
But what would you do if this really hot chick agrees to sleep with you BUT only if your buddy come along, she's into two guys at once?
Lvl 15
Here's a few you should enjoy.

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Lvl 12
Id'e like to have a 2 and 1 but not 2 guys and 1 girl. 1 guy and 2 girls. Id'e pick another girl joining in besides another buddy to come help.
Lvl 16
Lvl 12
I think the guys saying that it's disgusting, are just scared that their buddy will have a bigger cock than their own. So the girl won't pay attention to them.

I've had 3 somes, 2 girls and me, and 1 girl - me and a buddy. Whatever man, you can't say nothing till you've done it. The girl loves it and begs for more and you just giver'

If my buddy's in the cunt I stay in the mouth or vice versa. You don't even come close to his package. So you guys who are saying "sloppy seconds" and shit, you must be the gay ones, cause you're thinking about going in after a buddy has!!! That's just gross.
Lvl 12
i totally agree on this one fish. It's a lot of girls dream too. i know many women dream of having sex with more than one guy, and i don't mind making their dreams come thru.
Lvl 14
Lvl 16
Lvl 13
hey, we did the mfm thing and it was hot to see her getting fucked by him... no phobias here, i dont see the problem.
Lvl 13
here we are getting ready to give her DP
Lvl 13
and finally...BANG, we laid it to her. its prolly the only time she has ever squirted her cum. the guy on the bottom got soaked.
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