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Girls I've photographed

Starter: gumpfiction Posted: 19 years ago Views: 11.1K
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Lvl 13
Great pics bro, what is your secret to getting them to pose nude for you?
Lvl 16
I'm gonna play this like a poker game and I'M CALLING YOUR HAND, gumpfiction!!!!! He's posting (plagerizing) pics from the 'Black Cat Scans' collection. Your Play!!!!!!
Lvl 16
Here's your "Mary"

I'll find the rest.
Lvl 22
hmmmm....this is why i usually am skeptical...but his story seemed to check out....

gump....come on.....dont fuck with us, give us the truth.
Lvl 14
fake ass mother....ur lucky there are rules here against flaming....bastard.
Lvl 14
what do u got for us now?

that's what i thought.
Lvl 15
I guess we're going to have to start calling bullshit on folks more often now.
Lvl 24
Lvl 13
truly amateurs
Lvl 15
gumpfiction doesn't seem to be coming back to answer for this, so how about going ahead and deleting all the pics in this thread? Royal Scot already has shown that they're copyrighted.
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