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Girls, Girls, Girls Were Made To Love!

Starter: webbie1 Posted: 15 years ago Views: 9.4K
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Lvl 9
Thanks jade08 and shonne!

I have this fantastic ability to make easy things look hard

My computer problems didn't help, but instead of stopping and waiting, I forged ahead boldly.

What I do have is a GREATER appreciation for the boys and girls who do this all the time

So have one on me (beer)

I'll quit spamming my thread now.
* This post has been modified : 15 years ago
Lvl 37
You're off to a great start webbie, soon you'll addicted like the rest of us.

Nothing is as easy as it seems

Thanks for the beer!
Really nice thread! Keep up the good work!
Thanks for sharing +5 from VonDoom
Lvl 18
Never heard of this "shocker" sign but nice thread anyway. Thanks.
Lvl 29
fantastic job webbie, thanks for your time and please keep them cumming / kiowa55
Lvl 9
Originally posted by J-Swiss

Never heard of this "shocker" sign but nice thread anyway. Thanks.

Found the pic.

There are a variety of combos using the fingers.

Lvl 51
excellent thread... thx webbie
Lvl 17
Great thread. Thanks much....
Lvl 6
great thread!!!!!!!! I loved it!!
Lvl 8
awesome post...thank!
Lvl 10
Thx webbie, great thread..
Lvl 7
Thx webbie
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